Rodent Control Now

Guide on How to Follow Up After Squirrel Removal

The sight of a nimble squirrel darting around your garden or park might be a fantastic nature spectacle. However, having these critters invade your home can be quite problematic. Squirrels, like most rodents, are notorious for causing substantial destruction within homes, gnawing on wood and electric wiring, contaminating food sources, and even posing a health risk by transmitting diseases. Therefore, if you’ve recently enlisted the aid of a professional pest control service to remove these rodents from your property, proper post-removal follow-up steps are essential to prevent any squirrel re-infestations. In this article, we will discuss how to follow up after removing squirrels from your property.

After a successful squirrel eviction exercise, the first step in the follow-up process is thoroughly cleaning the previously infested areas. Squirrels, like other rodents, leave behind a trail of droppings, urine, and nest debris, which can attract other animals and even create health risks for your family. As a result, one must thoroughly clean and disinfect these areas. Special attention should be given to attics, walls, and any other indoor spaces previously occupied by the squirrels. It may be beneficial to hire a professional cleaning service for this task, as they possess the necessary experience and equipment to properly sanitize and deodorize the affected areas, ensuring no harmful bacteria are left behind.

The follow-up process should also involve a comprehensive inspection of your property to identify and seal potential entry points. Squirrels are dexterous creatures capable of squeezing through small gaps and holes. If these entries are overlooked, it’s only a matter of time before other squirrels move in. Therefore, make sure you carefully inspect your roof, soffits, fascia boards, and other exterior parts of your house for holes and cracks. Use sturdy materials like steel mesh or sheet metal to seal these openings, as squirrels can chew through weaker materials such as wood or plastic.

Besides, tree limbs and branches that hang over your roofline offer easy access for squirrels to your house. Tree pruning is a necessary preventive measure to cut back branches that may facilitate squirrel entry. Remember to maintain a safe distance of about 6 to 8 feet between your roof and the nearest tree branches. Also, consider installing a chimney cap if you don’t already have one – this will prevent squirrels and other pests from entering your house through your chimney.

Another crucial step in the post-removal follow-up process includes removing potential food sources. Squirrels are drawn to locations with readily available food, which implies that your property may continue to attract these rodents if you regularly leave food out or have a garden full of their favorite snacks. Therefore, securely store food in containers, clear fallen fruit from trees, and consider using squirrel-proof bird feeders to limit these critters’ food sources. Try to maintain a yard that’s not appealing, sealing garbage cans, and removing pet food dishes after feeding.

Finally, frequent monitoring is indispensable for early detection and prevention of a recurring squirrel infestation. If you previously had a squirrel problem, stay vigilant to signs of re-infestation. This could include sounds of squirrels scurrying in your attic or walls, sightings of squirrels around your property, and evidence of chewed wiring or structural damage. Timely detection allows for faster response, preventing damage and the need for another extensive squirrel removal operation.

In conclusion, removing squirrels from your property is only half the battle. The process that follows, including thorough cleaning, sealing entry points, removing food sources, and continuous monitoring, is just as crucial. By following these steps, you can maintain a squirrel-free property and avoid the destruction and inconvenience that come with these unwelcome guests.

German Valley WV (6)
By D.Clow – Maryland on 2006-05-28 08:57:27